Journal — Musings

Seeing the Light
For about 1/3 of this year, I have been dealing with health issues related to my immune system that I really did not start to get better from until I took my health a bit more seriously. Around mid-October was when I finally started to see the light at the end of the dark passage and I feel as each week passes, I am feeling more and more like my old self. Though, I am not 100% certain I will ever be exactly my old (younger) self again. A few...

An Unexpected Turn of Events
A few months ago, I was misdiagnosed with a skin condition that turned out to be a bit more serious. Normally I have a lot of energy, I can go and go and go, but one of the rarer side effects of this condition is extreme fatigue that comes in waves. There are mornings I wake up, despite sleeping for 9-10 hours, that I feel so bone tired. There are also days where I experience so much brain fog, I can't even succinctly recall how I got through the end...

Return to Journaling
One of the first Christmas gifts I received when I immigrated to America was a diary, a "Secret Garden" themed diary to be exact. I am not sure why my parents decided to get me this, though to be fair, I had asked for a Brittanica Encyclopedia for perhaps the diary didn't seem so farfetched. I remember my Dad having one of those large video recorders (he has and still is very into whatever latest tech gadgets exist) recording me opening up the Encyclopedia and me ripping open paper...

On Gratitude
I saw a post on Threads where a life coach had shared something along the lines of “The year ISN’T almost over, you STILL have time to move into that new house, get that new job, find that relationship…you just need to keep going!” and someone commented with “I’m tired. I want this year to be over. I’m tired, it’s been an unbelievably hard year.”And her comment really made me think. Why is our culture so obsessed with “hustle culture” and “doing all the things”? Why do we glorify working...

Ètude pour le Rêve
Study for the dream. These past few weeks I have been diving deep into unknown knowledge territory. Studying and learning more about the process of crafting and creating garments from the ground up. It has been a huge feat that I know I don't give myself enough credit for, so I suppose I am taking this moment to show myself a bit of kindness. "You're doing good kid." I do feel something like pride with how much focus and attention I have been able to devote to this and still...