Study for the dream.

These past few weeks I have been diving deep into unknown knowledge territory. Studying and learning more about the process of crafting and creating garments from the ground up. It has been a huge feat that I know I don't give myself enough credit for, so I suppose I am taking this moment to show myself a bit of kindness. "You're doing good kid." 

I do feel something like pride with how much focus and attention I have been able to devote to this and still maintain and manage other aspects of my life. I'm trying and doing the best I can, and I think for the most part, things have gone all right. 

Yesterday felt like a monumental step as I submitted three final designs for production and completed a new design for our clothing label and garment care labels. It still hasn't hit me yet that THIS IS IT. 

I also started working on other new designs and sketching more ideas. There are so many beautiful garments in history I want to create modern renditions of. At the moment I sketch and design when I get bursts of inspiration. I am constantly inspired by things around me, so when I am feeling creative, I try to get it all out while I can. Somethings I've designed I have found a few days later, even the day after going "Yeah, no..." and others I am excited to delve deeper into, to see what else could come from it.

For now though, at this very moment, I am giving myself time to rest. To be out in my garden, to work with my hands in the Earth. To be grounded and find myself recentered with nature.


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