Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Tia Kuhns

Since receiving my Opedette dress, she's one I've been reaching for repeatedly! As you can see from the picture, she isn't so precious that you're afraid to wear her (even while sketching/painting), but she instantly makes me feel put together. The waist ties attach at the sides, not in the back/front. For me, this means the seam where the skirt meets the bodice sits below the belt at times. If I want it to match up I have to give a tug now and then. I am short waisted, and between sizes, so this might not be an issue for longer waisted girlies! It does allow choice for how fitted or flounced you want the waist. For reference, I am a 33 bust and sized up to a 34 for a looser fit in the bodice. I think I could have comfortably sized down, but am happy anyway!

This dress is ::chef’s kiss::

I have never met a gingham I didn’t like. The fabric choice and design on this dress are amazing. The detail on the sleeves is my favorite! Hand me my straw hat and I am ready for a picnic, a stroll in the park, or even just my errands :)

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